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We’re on our way to becoming a full livery company and we’d love you to help us get there

Becoming a livery company is a three-stage process. Each new company begins as a guild, and after four years they
can apply to become a company without a livery. At the Company of Communicators, we’re now working
towards the third and final stage: full livery status - the Worshipful Company of Communicators.

Achieving this will help us to become more active in our charitable giving and support. We’ll also be able to have liverymen.
This will enable us to play a greater role in the life of the City of London and give our liverymen the
opportunity to participate in City events, as well as voting rights for the senior civic offices.


The company recently celebrated its 20th anniversary and is on its way to achieving full Livery status:

The Company has almost doubled in size since 2020 and now has over 250 freemen

The company recently celebrated its 20th anniversary and is on its way to achieving full Livery status:

  • The Company has almost doubled in size since 2020 and now has over 250 freemen of the City of London.


  • Exemplary progress in introducing good practice in diversity, equality and inclusion (DE&I).


  • Appointed a Head of Volunteering.


  • Raised over £2,000 to support the Livery Schools Link Digital Divide campaign to provide digital equipment to schools in need.


  • Launching an 'apprentice' scheme (Future Freemen).


  • Strong financial position with sustainability through our increased membership and fundraising.


  • We have raised £308,000 for our charitable trust - over our target of £300,000.

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The Company is now seeking support from individuals and the profession to become a full livery company to play a greater part in the civic role of the City of London and to enable sustainable charitable donations and support for charities and not-for-profit organisations.

Frequently asked


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Meet The Court


The City Livery Movement

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