The Company of Communicators Founder
Liverymen are listed below.
Founder Liveryman status will be bestowed on members once Worshipful Status has been granted
to the Company by the City of London Court of Aldermen.
The Company hopes to attain full Livery status by the end of 2024, subject to the completion
of all fundraising activities.
We would also be delighted to discuss corporate or individual sponsorship opportunities for your name or organisation's brand to be associated with an award for outstanding contributions in the field of
communications or an association with one of our events.

Founder Liveryman
Karen Ainley
Dr Maurizio Bragagni, OBE, MBA, CDir FIoD
Jon Chandler - Past Master
Ann Cryer, MBE
Sean Curtis-Ward
John Dickinson-Lilley
Nick Dolezal
Anne Donoghue
Robert Double
Nicky Edwards
Gavin Ellwood - Past Master
Alison Esse
Matt Fincham
Kelly Freeman - Past Master
John Gill
Mark Glover - Deputy Master
Neil Griffiths
Jason Groves CC - Senior Warden
James Gurling OBE - Past Master
Tony Halmos - Millenium Founder Member
Holly Harvey
Francis Ingham - Past Master
Sarah Jurado
Shraddha Kaul
Irene Kettle
Pamela Kingsland
Dan Large
Melissa Lawrence
Ed Lord - Millenium Founder Member - OBE, JP, CC
Alderman Michael Mainelli
Marshall Manson
Justine McGuinness - Middle Warden
Edmund McMahon Turner - Millennium Founder Member
Domenico Meliti
Jane Mitchell
Kevin Moore - Past Master and Millennium Founder Member
Dr Rick Morton
Dr Uday Nayak
Deborah Oliver TD - Past Master and Millennium Founder Member
Clare Parker
Andreas Payne
Una Riley - Past Master
Iain Rodger
Danny Rosenbaum
Frederick (Russ) Russell-Rivoallan
Andrew Sillett
Alexander Singleton
Col Rosie Stone TD
Sally Sykes - Master
Simon Taylor
Eddie Tulasiewicz
lana Vidal
Sarah Wait - Past Master
Gloria Walker
Peter Walker - Millenium Founder Member
Richard Walsh
Alex Walster
Matt West - Renter Warden

Membership also offers the chance to make lifelong friendships with like-minded people from all sectors of the communications industry.