The key to giving back
We support the communications industry’s charitable endeavours
You have a gift to give – your time, your knowledge, your experience.
Using funds from our Charitable Trust, the Charity Committee has options for you to support several projects.
For example, you can:
Volunteer to support charities’ communications work through the Gift of Communication
Represent the Company at the Livery Schools Careers Fair and introduce young people to the communications profession
Provide media support for the City’s annual Sheep Drive
Fund projects for young people and promote literacy
Be part of charitable partnerships with other livery companies

We aim to be the organisation of choice for the communication profession, providing fellowship, networking and opportunities to volunteer and to contribute to society.
Charities Supported By the Trust Include:
Livery Schools Link is a voluntary organisation that promotes support for Greater London schools by City of London Livery companies, helping to prepare young people for the world of work.