The Company of Communicators’ 2023 Clarity in Charity in Communications Award has been won by Forward Assist for its campaigns raising the profile of women veterans’ and their struggle against sexual harassment and bullying in the military.
This has been focussed through its charity Salute Her UK giving women veterans access to mental health therapists to help reduce social isolation and loneliness. The Judging Panel acknowledged the strong communications employed by Forward Assist in gaining strong hard-hitting media coverage, through innovative work and ultimately achieving its objectives by being recognised in Parliament and by Government.
At the ceremony at Glaziers’ Hall on October 23, Master Communicator Mark Glover, and Master Glazier David Stringer-Lamarre presented the award to Tony Wright, founder & CEO of Forward Assist.

“It is a pleasure and privilege for me to present these awards as my last act as Master of the Company of Communicators,” said Mark Glover. “It has been wonderful to see the spirit of charity flourish in these trying times and for the livery movement to play its full part in helping those very much in need. The nominations were all high quality, fittingly becoming of the traditions and customs of the City of London but also of the standards of professionalism of within Communications and Public Relations. I look forward to another successful batch of nominations next year.”
The Clarity in Charity Communications Award recognises excellence in communications by an individual or company that is not a professional communications practitioner, and who is also linked to the livery movement and/or the charitable sector.
The award is made in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass, who commissioned the unique glass roundel presented to the winner, specially created by artist Emma Butler-Cole Aiken.
The runner-up was the Hand in Glove campaign run by the Worshipful Company of Glovers Charitable Projects Committee and the with Marylebone Cricket Club Foundation to develop the first Under 12 soft ball Cricket Hub at Lord’s indoor Cricket Centre for girls & boys. This initiative offered a group of 18 children from state schools in the Westminster area – who would not otherwise have experienced top class cricket coaching – free-to-access training courses run by professional coaches. The Judging panel were particularly struck by the interesting use and blend of social media and traditional media coverage to produce outstanding public relations work.